A set of healing crystals


  1. Try to color as intuitively as possible. Don’t hesitate to do things that you normally wouldn’t do. There is a lot of power in “flowing” with the patterns. The more you let go of thinking, the more you allow yourself to see what is inside. A first great step would be to allow yourself to use colors that normally you wouldn’t use.
  2. Newly acquired insights are sometimes difficult to hold. I advise you to write them down at the back of the drawing or in a notebook.
  3. Be open to noticing changes at all planes of life. Energy flows everywhere! The effect of your energy changing includes the world and the people around you.
  4. Healing takes time and patience. Remind yourself that while working with the patterns. Even though changes might occur overnight, I believe that the best time frame for evaluating the healing effect of the patterns is months.
  5. Combine the coloring patterns of Color Your Chakras with other alternative healing techniques and objects. Trust your intuition and allow yourself to experiment. Use the energy of the patterns to meditate and visualize your goals. Bring in healing music, essential oils, incense, healing crystals, shells, feathers, or other “power objects” and see how they can work together with the patterns and intensify each other’s healing effect.
  6. Don’t be in a hurry to finish the patterns. For most individuals completing the full healing program (40 patterns for coloring) takes months or even years! Take your time and allow yourself to take breaks. This is the natural consequence of the fact that healing takes time.
  7. Be nice to yourself and try not to judge yourself. It takes much courage to grow and become who you really are.

Good luck and enjoy!